Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Feel the Power...Of A Powerpoint Presentation!

In my last Computer Skills class we gave power point presentations over a topic of personal interest. Mine was over Art Therapy and I really enjoyed learning how to add music to my presentation, animating a gif image, and learning how to give an object a motion path! My classmates had INCREDIBLE presentations! Two I really enjoyed would be Katie Leonard's presentation over International Development and Kendra Doshier's presentation over majoring in Communication. Katie Leonard presented a very clean, easy to read presentation over a topic she was obviously very passionate about! I admired her spunk and her desire to help the poorest of poor! What a sweet girl! Kendra had a complex topic, but managed to make her presentation easy to read and very interesting! I loved how she animated that reel of film! My classmates are really talented at making power points!


  1. Oh Lindsay. Thank you! I loved your power point, too :) You did an awesome job!

  2. I LOVED your presentation! I loved the addition of music and the color schemes/themes of your powerpoint. It totally sucked me in, this sounds cliche but you like took me into the world of art therapy. I was like so happy and calm during your presentation it was awesome. I think you're going to make an amazing art therapist, if that is what you end up doing. So . . .. Good job!!!

  3. I appreciated Katie's too, both the informational aspect and the artistic. It reminded me of "Slumdog Millionaire" for some reason lol. I was impressed by her custom made slides that helped the underlying cause pervade the entire presentation. Kendra's was neat too with it's blue theme and clear oganization. I could see her as some big-shot director or something of the like.

    A note upon yours: BRILLIANT! I absolutely enjoyed it! The color scheme was soothing (like a therapy should be). Your addition of music was a genius idea and your ability to stay fouces and talk loud enough was wonderful. You showed great knowledge of the topic and great pride in your making of it. Nicely done :)

  4. Your presentation was AMAZING!!!! It was a great look into Art Therapy. You used such great GIFs and it was so relaxing! You are so awesome!
