Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Weaving a Website!

I really enjoyed putting together my website and I was so excited to share my art with my classmates that I exceeded the size limit! Oh no! I managed to par it down with the help of my excellent art critic friend, Kendra, thank goodness! The only problem was that the system wouldn't let me publish my website alone, and I couldn't get it to publish without the home directory! Oh well, I learned a lot and I was so excited to see my classmates' websites as well, what a talented class I'm in! I especially enjoyed Natalie's and Katie's websites. Natalie's was so informative and incredibly detailed, I feel like I've learned so much about her! She spent a lot of time on her site, and it definitely paid off! Katie's site was enjoyable and I loved her pages! I especially liked how her text in her navigation bar tilted diagonally to give it a funky and cute but professional looking style, way to go! I feel that by learning from my own experiences and looking through my classmate's websites I will be ready in the future to tackle any website that comes my way!!!
Would you like to see my website? Click here!


  1. I loved your website and all of the music! Apparently we have the same tastes. Great Job!

  2. Hey Lindsay! I loved your website! It was very creative and artistic and I really enjoyed seeing your work!
