Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Figuring Out Facebook In an Academic Setting

I am a regular Facebook user and I feel that it really helps me stay connected with what's happening on campus. While Facebook can eat up study time and become a purgatory for procrastinators, Facebook can also be a useful tool for college students. For example, recently I lost my notes for my Italian class and was able to post a message on a classmate's wall asking if I could look over her notes. Last semester, as a HUMA student, I received messages from my peer tutors informing me of study sessions and times when they would be available. Facebook serves to help socially as well as academically. For example, last night I received a message on Facebook from my Intramural soccer team informing me of a practice at 10! With Facebook, my team captain was able to inform the team of a practice through a post to our soccer group much more rapidly than by calling us all up individually. I am really pleased with Facebook as a networking tool. I believe it enables me to stay connected both academically and socially at Trinity!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog, Lindsay! Great job posting the picture up there! And I'm going to start calling facebook the "purgatory for procrastinators" haha--I found that so amusing.
