Thursday, January 15, 2009

Salutations from Lindsay!

Hello, my name is Lindsay and I am quite happy with my moniker, given that at birth my dad wanted to name me either Edge (after the guitarist in U2) or Sacagawea (yes, after the navigator of the Lewis and Clark expedition and no, I am not Native American at all, my dad just wanted to shout "Hey Sac, get ova' heyuh" in a thick New York accent). I am an Art and Psychology double major from Edmond, Oklahoma, the state "where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain", usually in the form of an F5 tornado. My town's slogan is "Edmond, a great place to grow" and I would say that, living in Oklahoma for a decade and a half, I agree. My home town is the perfect size, small enough that you run into people you know at Target, but large enough to have at least one Starbucks located within a mile of home. To me, nothing is better than curling up with a good book or working on art, and I guess that's rare among my age group. On the first week of school, my male neighbors across the hall were horrified to discover I had never played a video game before, and promptly made it their mission to "fix" me. I swear, one of them almost cried whenever I didn't know the name for the joystick and referred to it as the "blobby thing".
I'm known among my friends in Oklahoma and my friends in Trinity as having unusual hobbies, and the most recent skill I've acquired is glassblowing. I made my first vase two weeks ago, which is a major improvement from my second lesson, when I set the floor on fire (My teacher was completely calm during this incident, and, as he adjusted his rose-colored glasses and leisurely put out the flames, he commented that "this sort of thing happens all the time.")! Unfortunately it's not only the floor that gets burned from my hobby. My arms have been covered in raised red welts and blisters and blackened by scorch marks from the flame. Secretly I'm proud of looking like I've been through the ringer for my art because I believe it gives me a closer connection to what I create. For the time I've spent and the lessons I've learned, The Blue Sage Glass Studio in Oklahoma City is one of my favorite places. Check it out!

Here's my first vase, I hope you like it!

My secret fact is that I am a belly dancer and I'm currently teaching my friends how to belly dance, including the boys!

I haven't had a computer course before, so admittedly I am unfamiliar with programs like Microsoft Excel. On the positive side, as an artist I am familiar with Adobe Photoshop, and my dad is an IT Director who has taught me a lot about solving computer problems. In fact, he laughed hysterically when he learned I didn't pass the computer course requirement exam. My mother, however, was sympathetic, though she also believes if you click the refresh button harder her page will load more quickly than using a light click of her mouse! I'm really looking forward to expanding my knowledge about computers, and I'm already having a blast blogging!

Questions? Comments? Happy Thoughts? Email me at


  1. What a great post! I'm sure I've never had a glass-blowing belly dancer for a student before. Thanks- and welcome to our class. It's going to be fun working with you this semester,Lindsay (although Edge is kind of nice, too).
    Ms. Belisle

  2. Hey hey, Edge! You are one-hundred percently cool! Awesome blog, girlie! Keep it up.

  3. Aaaahaha. Lindsay, your blog entry was very entertaining!
    I'm not sure what nickname I'd give you if your name were Sacagawea, but I can assure you that we'd still be friends. Considering the several times I've gone clubbing with you - I never knew you were a belly dancer. I should pay closer attention. You always surprise me!

  4. Dearest Lindsay,
    You are extra goofy and i love it! You'll have to tell me more about glass blowing sometime because that sounds AMAZING!

  5. Where in the world did you learn to belly dance? I can remember always trying when I was little but with no very much success. Don't worry, I never really play video games either. The first time I played halo, my cousin didn't inform me that you had to use both of the little spinny things on the controller so I shot myself and got stuck in a corner. He just laughed. Great blog!

  6. Hey Lidnsey, I love your blog! It's great, and it sounds like your speaking not just writting. I knew you like to bellydance, but I'm not sure if I knew that you do glass blowing. I absolutely had no idea you had never touched a game control in your life until now. No worries though...I used to play games alot in my younger years. Here I really have'nt played any video games (ok maybe I played a few internet games)! I'm glad, I broke the addiction. There is so much more in life to do than video games.

    P.S. I'm coming by someday for bellydance lessons!

  7. Nice blog. I agree with you that Facebook can be used in an academic setting. I've also used Facebook to get notes that I missed in class that day. I also understand that it can be used as a spcial network.
